
What Is the 4% Rule?

The 4% rule has long been a rule of thumb for retirement planning — but what is the 4% rule for retirement?

Simply put, the 4% rule is a guideline to help determine how much of your retirement savings you can withdraw on an annual basis, without depleting your funds prematurely. Using this rule, retirees can expect to withdraw 4% of the funds in their retirement accounts, adjusting for inflation, and still have their nest egg last for the duration of their golden years.

But as I shared with Brian O’Connell at US News & World Report, there are many factors that must be considered when estimating how long your retirement savings will last.

Specifically, I believe retirement planners should evaluate their expected living expenses, any financial considerations related to their health (which often wind up being higher than retirees anticipate), estate planning and forecasting the potential growth of your retirement funds through any investments you may decide to pursue.

I highly recommend reading through the full article on the 4% rule, which includes my insights as well as those of other experts in the financial services industry.

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