Mark Williams working on laptop at home

“Nobody follows a leader who only talks the talk. Either lead the way or get out of the way.”


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The Role of AI in Reshaping Leadership in 2023

Integrating AI into leadership practices offers significant potential for organizations, but to ensure a smooth implementation of AI tools, leaders must work to foster an AI-ready culture within their organizations.


Strong Leadership: Be More Than a Manager

To live out strong leadership, you’ve got to go above and beyond what is required. Leading by example, leaders exceed basic expectations and set the bar high for their team. Remember, it’s not just about managing tasks; it’s about empowering individuals.


Unlocking the Power of Communication Tools in the Workplace

I’ve experienced the difficulties created by poor workplace communication — to help you navigate potential communication landmines, here are four powerful communication tools that can revolutionize your workplace and help you create a thriving company culture.


How To Nail a Job Interview: Tips for Success

When prepping for a job interview, you’ve first got to know what you’re looking for in your next job. Understanding a role’s required skills and abilities will help you figure out if it’s a good fit for you. You’ll also be able to tell whether or not it’s an opportunity worth your time.


7 Steps to Conquer Personal Branding 3.0

From its introduction in 1997 to its second iteration in response to social media and an always-on internet presence in the late 2000s, the concept of personal branding has continued to change and evolve. Now, with a hybrid and tech-dominant workplace, here are seven steps for mastering personal branding 3.0.