Mark Williams working on laptop at home

“Nobody follows a leader who only talks the talk. Either lead the way or get out of the way.”


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Question Mark: What is an annuity?

I love annuities; I think they’re significantly underused in individuals’ retirement strategies. But if you’re asking, “What is an annuity?” I’ve got the answer right here.


Question Mark: Why should I buy life insurance?

Some people think talking about life insurance is taboo. They may be right that it is a morbid subject, but I believe it necessary when speaking on retirement planning. Regardless, they almost always have the same question in the end: “Is life insurance worth it?” 


What Is the 4% Rule?

What is the 4% rule for retirement? A guideline for ensuring your retirement funds last as long as you need them to. But here’s what else you should consider to see if your nest egg will be enough to fund your retirement.